A social media analytics platform for brands across channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and more.
The company lacked a brand guideline that started with a varied logo, confusing messaging, and no visual cohesiveness. From "Super Powers for the marketer" to "From Data to Deliverables", messaging made it very confusing for the costumer to understand what they were looking at.
Establish a cohesive brand that included a brand guideline, a literary voice, and a marketing strategy that explains what Simply Measured offers as an analytics platform.
The identity consisted of a wave with various typefaces and colors that made it impossible to identify the correct one. After many rounds of revisions, a custom typeface was created to accentuate and compliment the wave. The wave was redrawn to correct spacing issues, and perspective. The color was simplified to two, making it more versatile.
Before ~ Various versions, generic typeface and different colors
After ~ Two colors and a custom typeface
The marketing site and materials lacked the direction it needed to reinforce the main message. Data analytics doesn't have to be difficult to digest and it should be fun, easy, and understandable. Photography was introduced in order to convey an exciting experience for the customer.
Content was useful but scattered. A system was implemented in order to unify it, making it easily accessible for the customers who want more insights on social media best practices. From eBooks to guides and case studies, a library was created as a resource in order to further explain the complexity of social media analytics.
Social media ~ Following the rebrand, all media was revamped
The application was difficult to use; all actions were scattered and there was no guided direction on actions to take. Without changing the main experience, actions were separated and a guided direction was introduced. The customer was able to navigate and take actions easier.
Before ~ Various action items, free stock artwork, muted color palette, missing CTAs
After ~ Consistent action items, custom artwork, new color palette, guided CTAs
A brand foundation was established that expands with ease, maintaining an aesthetic that is easily recognizable in the community. Below are more examples of the brand's foundation.
Photography ~ A more humanized approach
Custom artwork ~ A more unified approach to each usecase